Special symbols - part 1

Special symbols - part 1:

+ plus
- minus
> is greater than
< is less than
= is equal to
$ dollar
* asterisk
() brackets
[ ] square brackets
" " quotation marks
R T R space T
@ at
# hash mark (or hashtag)
\ back slash
/ forward slash
~ tilde
: colon
; semicolon
% percent
& ampersand (read as "and")
.com dot com

Read each expression aloud, then press the [check answer] button to see if you got it right:

1) C=C+2 check answer
2) N=N-1 check answer
3) jay@work.com check answer
4) P Q R check answer
5) A>65 check answer
6) (A+B) check answer
7) "RESULT" check answer
8) Ali & Rishi check answer
9) http:// check answer