A short history of computers - reading

Read this:

Computers have changed in many ways in the last sixty years. Early computers were so large that they occupied whole rooms and needed many operators to work them. They were very expensive and took several minutes to perform a series of simple operations. They were very unreliable- every few minutes they broke down and had to be repaired. Programming them was very slow and difficult.

Modern computers with the same capacity can be held in the hand. They can perform the same operations in a few milliseconds and they cost less than a TV. They almost never break down and modern programming languages make them easy to program.

Decide if the sentences are true or false:

1) Computers are smaller than they were sixty years ago.

2) Today, computers are slower than they were sixty years ago.

3) Today, computers are more reliable.

4) Computers were easier to use sixty years ago.

5) Today, computers are more expensive than they were sixty years ago.